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Austin Ghosts Blog - Haunted Stories

Dead Man’s Hole

Posted on September 6, 2024
The backroads surrounding Austin, Texas, are like an intricate quilt. Each stretch of road is distinguished from the next by a unique piece of Texas history. Divided by the great mysteries of the vast...

Austin’s Haunted Millett Opera House

Posted on July 21, 2024
Local legends drive many of the ghost stories across the United States. Some are verifiable, easily matched with a newspaper clipping detailing the tragic event that spawned the restless soul. Others ...

Black Hope Cemetery

Posted on June 23, 2024
A pool carelessly dug—a coffin, cautiously uncovered. The 1982 film Poltergeist brought this horrifying scenario to the public’s eye for the first time. The film plays off events from 1958 that oc...