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Austin Ghosts Blog


Austin State Hospital

Posted on February 4, 2021
The Austin State Hospital was created when practicing psychiatry was like taking a shot in the dark. When the Texas legislature first authorized the project, it was called the Texas State Lunatic Asyl...

Geronimo – his skull, his powers and a secret society.

Posted on September 27, 2020
We have a lot of ground to cover so let’s dig right in. Geronimo’s tale and the ghost of Geronimo is long, fascinating, and full of twists and turns... we don’t have time to dally about.Who ...

Demon’s Road – a paranormal stretch of hell full of nasty critters.

Posted on September 24, 2020
Located in Hunstville, Texas, this lonely, remote, and incredibly creepy road has the sort of reputation Stephen King could base a novel on. An interweaving path of malformed trees, overgrown weed, in...